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M'era Luna 2015

M'era Luna 2015

2015-09-25 / pornocreep / Reads: 6230

Each year the organizers of M'era Luna set the bar really high, that is why it should not be a surprise that in this year tickets were also sold out very quickly. Many attractions awaited almost 25 000 people from Friday. Begging from traditional disco in hangar through literary readings...

Polcon 2015

Polcon 2015

2015-09-15 / kantellis / Reads: 5483

The first impression after arriving to Polcon on Thursday: silence and emptiness. Seriously. Perhaps this is the effect of comparison after a few years of attending Pyrkon, but the impression remains. Nevertheless, you have to give a chance to the XXX edition of Polcon festival, which took place on 20-23...

Castle Party 2015

Castle Party 2015

2015-07-26 / morrigan / Reads: 11338

Following only apparently senseless statement that "not only life is important in life" for a few days a year we forget about every day matters, obligations, work and love disappointments. We pack our laces, tulle and latex and we travel towards… no, not towards the light at the end of...

Fallen Angels Party & Black Velvet

Fallen Angels Party & Black Velvet

2015-05-23 / RobertSaligia / Reads: 3243

Wrocław’s event Fallen Angels Party - in addition to providing enthusiasts of dark independent regular fun on the dance floor - has important role in promotion of local projects. On the 11th April 2015 in the Cztery Litery club, we had therefore opportunity to hear a concert from coming from...

Laibach in Warsaw

Laibach in Warsaw

2015-05-19 / Alastor / Reads: 4785

Ladies and Gentleman's - hats off! Laibach showed us again that they belong to the world top class. Many people have approached to "Spectre" as something too moderate ("laibachless") for average listener, but performances like this in Warsaw, should blow any concerns about making that kind of album. Of course for those...

Dark Circus Festival in Zielona Góra

Dark Circus Festival in Zielona Góra

2015-01-23 / RobertSaligia / Reads: 6206

The Dark Circus festival concert that took place in the beginning of December was the only one in Poland. Traveling tent arrived to Zielona Góra on the fifth of December 2014 and spread out in Rock Out concert pub, a place with a little space but making up with coziness...

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